What is ChatGPT?

One of the latest AI examples is ChatGPT, an AI-powered chatbot by OpenAI. Chatbots are designed to simulate conversations with human users. They live on a business’s website, typically in the form of a pop-up, and can converse with customers and provide real-time support.

Website visitors can use the chatbot to ask for more info, request a demo, ask basic questions, or even handle simple transactions.

ChatGPT has generated a lot of buzz in the business world for several reasons. AI-powered chatbots have been around for years, and many of them have been underwhelming. Responses were limited,   

ChatGPT Benefits

ChatGPT offers a number of benefits for businesses, including:

    • 24/7 availability. One of the key benefits of using AI for customer service is its ability to be available 24/7. With ChatGPT, customers can get the support they need at any time of the day or night, even outside regular business hours. This is especially useful for global organizations that require availability for customers in various time zones.
    • Improved efficiency. ChatGPT can handle multiple questions at a time, which means that businesses can manage a larger volume of customer queries than they could with human agents. This can reduce the workload on human representatives and free up their time to focus on more complex tasks.
    • Cost savings. By using ChatGPT and other AI customer support tools, businesses can save costs associated with hiring and training customer service representatives. Additionally, using chatbots and AI for allows companies to save on payroll costs.
    • Lead generation. In addition to using artificial intelligence for customer service, companies can also benefit from using ChatGPT for marketing-related tasks, including lead generation. When ChatGPT opens, you can customize it to ask for information such as name, email address, and business size, effectively gathering leads to follow up on.  
    • Improved customer experience. When using ChatGPT for customer service, customers experience reduced wait times and accurate responses, leading to an improved customer experience and faster answers to questions.

It’s important to note that ChatGPT is still new; as ChatGPT continues to evolve, it is expected to become even more sophisticated and provide additional and more significant benefits to businesses.

How to Implement AI and ChatGPT for Businesses

There are two main ways that businesses can use ChatGPT and AI into their businesses:

ChatGPT for Customer Service

Many people will agree that the biggest win with ChatGPT is in customer service in the form of chatbots on their websites.

Research has shown that consumers are ready for this change—an Opus Research report states that 35% of consumers want to see more companies using chatbots, while 48% don’t care whether a human being or an automated chatbot helps them with their queries.  

 Some of the ways you can use ChatGPT for customer-service related tasks include:

    • Provide basic customer support 24/7, 365 days a year
    • Answering frequently asked questions
    • Collect customer information and generate leads for sales teams
    • Qualify leads and direct them to the appropriate sales teams
    • Directing customers to relevant resources on your business website
    • Collect feedback from customers
    • Assist customers with tracking orders or provide information about shipping and delivery
    • Schedule service appointments, demos, and send appointment reminders

Businesses can also use ChatGPT for ecommerce by recommending products to customers and assisting them with the checkout process.

 AI for Internal Tasks

Virtual assistants are becoming an increasingly popular option in the workplace for businesses to streamline processes and improve productivity. Virtual assistants are AI-powered software tools that can perform a range of internal tasks to help automate tasks, reduce workloads, and assist employees with daily tasks.

Some of the most useful ways you can use ChatGPT and other AI tools internally include:

    • Time management. Virtual assistants can help employees manage their schedules, set reminders for important tasks and deadlines, and prioritize their workload.
    • Email management. Virtual assistants can help streamline this process by prioritizing important emails, responding to routine emails, and even filtering out spam. This can help employees focus on more critical tasks while ensuring that their inbox is organized and easy to manage.
    • Research. Virtual assistants can access a range of sources, including online databases and search engines, to find the information employees need. This can save employees hours of time and ensure that they have the most up-to-date and accurate information at their fingertips.
    • Automate routine tasks. Automating routine tasks like data entry and report generation frees up employees to focus on more complex tasks that require their expertise. Automation can also help reduce errors and increase accuracy.
    • Content and writing. Marketing teams can leverage ChatGPT for content marketing, using the tool to help them write emails, web copy, and other types of content. This is particularly useful for lean teams that don’t have available marketing resources.
    • HR Support. ChatGPT can be used to answer HR-related questions about benefits and provide access to company policies and procedures. Chatbots can also be used on your company career pages to assist job seekers.
    • Communication. Virtual assistants can help employees communicate more effectively by scheduling meetings, sending reminders, and even transcribing notes. This can help reduce the risk of miscommunication and ensure that everyone is on the same page.

From Operations to Marketing and Sales to IT, ChatGPT can provide business uses for virtually every department within an organization. 

Pierce Washington Can Help Your Business Implement AI 

Overall, ChatGPT has the ability to revolutionize the way businesses operate, and it is likely that more and more companies will adopt AI in the near future. 

Implementing ChatGPT and other AI tools as part of your ecommerce solution can provide greater freedom, cost savings, and efficiency to businesses. With 67% of B2B buyers purchasing online, a robust ecommerce platform that includes AI technology is a vital component of any omnichannel business strategy. 

Pierce Washington can help you transform your business with flexible solutions that include AI and ChatGPT. Contact us today to find out how.